How to Tell If Your Tree Is Dead?

Trees are critical to our survival. We must care for them; nonetheless, trees can die of various causes, including insect infestation or a lack of maintenance. This article will review several guidelines to help you identify whether your tree is dead and whether you need to go for tree removal needs.

Lack of Fresh Growth and Foliage

The simplest method to identify if your tree is dying is to look for new growth. Healthy trees will sprout fresh leaves and buds in the spring and summer. While inspecting your tree for further development, consider the species and regular growing season of the tree.  It’s crucial to investigate any environmental elements affecting the tree’s health. In general, if you haven’t seen any new growth for a lengthy period and there are no other signs of vitality, the tree may be dead.

Examine the trunk

Your tree’s trunk may indicate a lot about its health. Examine the trunk for cracks or splits and evidence of rot or decay. If the trunk is hollow or mushy to the touch, this may indicate that the tree is dead or dying.

Examine the bark

The state of your tree’s bark also provides information about its health. If the bark becomes dry, brittle, or falls off, it might indicate that the tree is dead or dying. Scratching the bark with a knife or fingernail might reveal green tissue underneath the outer covering. The tree is most certainly dead if there is no green tissue.

Inspect For Pest Infestations

Borers, beetles, and termites may infest trees and inflict extensive damage. Check for pest activity such as holes in the trunk or branches, sawdust at the tree’s base, or chewed leaves. An infestation of pests can weaken the tree, making it more prone to illness and mortality. Invasive tree attacks accounted for approximately 25% of all deaths between 1991 and 2013.

Leaning Tree

If your tree suddenly tilts, it might indicate a significant problem. Trees can lean due to several factors, such as root injury, soil erosion, and disease. In some circumstances, the tree may be able to heal and straighten itself out over time, but in others, the damage may be irreparable, and you may need to opt for tree removal.

What To Do Once Your Tree Has Died?

It’s upsetting to discover that your tree has died, but it’s critical to take the necessary procedures to remove it carefully and avoid any damage or safety issues. To securely execute a tree removal, the first step is to contact a professional tree removal agency or arborist.  If the tree was in a high-traffic location, such as near a road or electricity lines, you might need to contact local authorities for assistance with removal.

Furthermore, suppose the tree dies due to disease or insect infestation. In that case, it is critical to take precautions to prevent the infestation from spreading to other nearby trees. Once you remove the tree, you can replace it in the exact location or elsewhere to preserve the environment. These guidelines will help you determine whether or not your tree is dead and then take the necessary procedures to remove it. Let us all work together to protect our environment and make the planet a better place to live. North Eastern Tree Service is committed to caring for trees and preserving nature.